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Furoshiki flower

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Furoshiki flower

Size: 50 x 50cm
Material: 80% Cotton & 20% Polyester

Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese wrapping cloth used for a variety of purposes, especially for wrapping and carrying items. It was originally used in ancient Japan to protect clothing in the public bathhouses. Over time, the use of furoshiki has evolved into an art form that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. It represents a principle of sustainability in Japanese culture as it is reusable and versatile.



  1. Packaging: Furoshiki is used to wrap gifts or goods. It can be used for books, food, clothing, souvenirs and other items.
  2. Transport and protection: Furoshiki is used to pack and transport objects and to protect them from scratches and dirt.
  3. Use as etiquette: Furoshiki can be used as a substitute for napkins or tablecloths during meals. It is also used as a tablecloth at picnics or outdoor events.
  4. Use as a fashion accessory: Furoshiki can be used as a scarf, hair accessory or to decorate bags.
Furoshiki is a popular element of Japanese traditional culture and an ecological packaging method.

  1. 包装:風呂敷はギフトや商品の包装に使用されます。本、食品、衣類、お土産、その他のアイテムに対応可能です。
  2. 運搬と保護:風呂敷はアイテムを包んで運ぶためや、傷や汚れから保護するために使用されます。
  3. エチケットとしての利用:風呂敷は食事中のナプキンやテーブルクロスの代わりとして、またピクニックやアウトドアイベントでのテーブルクロスとして使われます。
  4. ファッションアクセサリーとしての利用:風呂敷はスカーフ、ヘアアクセサリー、バッグの飾りとして使うこともできます。


Immermannstraße 21, 40210 Düsseldorf

Mon - Sat, 9am - 8pm